Unveil the Splendors of Jordan with Our All-Inclusive Tour Package

Petra Tours

Jordan, a land of ancient history and vibrant culture, offers an unparalleled travel experience for both adventurers and history buffs. From the timeless city of Petra to the rejuvenating waters of the Dead Sea, Jordan promises to captivate and inspire. With the perfect tour package, your exploration of this magnificent country becomes seamless and deeply enriching. Go Jordan Travel and Tourism presents the ultimate Jordan Tour Package, ensuring you experience the very best this extraordinary destination has to offer.

Discover the Timeless City of Petra

No visit to Jordan is complete without exploring Petra, one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. This ancient city, carved into rose-red sandstone cliffs, showcases the incredible craftsmanship of the Nabateans. As you walk through the Siq, a narrow canyon leading to Petra, you are met with the breathtaking view of the Treasury, Al-Khazneh. Our Jordan Tour Package includes a guided tour of Petra, allowing you to immerse yourself in its rich history and marvel at its stunning architecture.

Float in the Therapeutic Waters of the Dead Sea

The Dead Sea, renowned for its healing properties, is a must-visit destination in Jordan. Located at the lowest point on earth, the mineral-laden waters of the Dead Sea are celebrated for their ability to rejuvenate the skin and alleviate various health conditions. Our tour package includes a tranquil visit to the Dead Sea, where you can effortlessly float in its buoyant waters and enjoy the benefits of its therapeutic mud.

Explore the Dynamic Capital, Amman

Amman, Jordan’s capital, is a city that beautifully merges the old with the new. From the historic ruins of the Citadel and the Roman Theatre to bustling markets and contemporary cafes, Amman offers a unique glimpse into Jordanian life. Our Jordan Tour Package features a comprehensive tour of Amman, allowing you to explore its historical landmarks, savor its culinary delights, and experience its vibrant atmosphere.

Jordan Tour Package

Experience the Majestic Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum, also known as the Valley of the Moon, is a breathtaking desert landscape offering a surreal and unforgettable experience. With its towering sandstone mountains, expansive sand dunes, and clear night skies, Wadi Rum is a paradise for adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers. Our tour package includes an exciting jeep tour of Wadi Rum, providing you with the opportunity to explore its dramatic scenery and learn about the Bedouin culture that thrives in this stunning environment.

Visit Significant Biblical Sites

Jordan is home to numerous biblical sites of great historical and religious significance. From Mount Nebo, where Moses is believed to have seen the Promised Land, to the Baptism Site of Jesus at Bethany beyond the Jordan, these sacred places offer a profound spiritual experience. Our Jordan Tour Package includes guided tours to these sites, offering insightful information and the chance to walk in the footsteps of history.

Savor the Flavors of Jordanian Cuisine

Jordanian cuisine is a delightful fusion of flavors and aromas reflecting the country’s diverse cultural heritage. From the renowned dish of mansaf, made with lamb, yogurt, and rice, to the sweet indulgences of baklava and knafeh, Jordanian food is a feast for the senses. Our tour package ensures you enjoy these culinary delights at some of the finest local restaurants and eateries.


Embark on an unforgettable journey with Go Jordan Travel and Tourism’s Jordan Tour Package. Whether you’re exploring the ancient wonders of Petra, floating in the therapeutic waters of the Dead Sea, or admiring the majestic landscapes of Wadi Rum, this comprehensive tour package covers all the highlights of Jordan. Contact us at info@gojordantours.com or call us at 96232159400 to book your Jordan adventure today. Experience the enchantment and mystery of Jordan with Go Jordan Travel and Tourism, creating memories that will last a lifetime.